My Top Skills

Brand Identity

Target Audience 18-34 woman 

The goal was to create an elegant, sophisticated, collage of Dior to capitalize on lovers of the performer and increase profit margins and recall brand recognition.

Ad Copy Write

 The lip bar is a vegan lipstick ethically source and run by an African American CEO.

  I wanted to focus on three key takeaways woman aged 30 and up, woman of color, and woman who are focused on ethically sourced materials. 

Story Telling

 Montauk Manor is a project I did promoting a hotel in New York. This project involved capturing the client by showcasing their story to potential clients. 

 Each picture tells it’s own story and all of them together paint a picture.  

Multi Ad Campaigns

This is my work for Dog Eared Books a local bookstore that sells treats, books, and coffee located in downtown Ames. The first pictures are from my first attempt and the second pictures are my final product.

In the first draft I played around with colors, logo designs, and general vibes. I thought that by showcasing constant color scheme throughout the project would make the clients happy. They decided to go with something that showed the people enjoying the product more such as the vibe in the first prototype. 

The Final Product

This is one of my favorite projects. I say that about all of them. The constant color in the headings, the similar vibes across the multi ad campaign. The copy write on the third picture is the cherry on the top.  This showcases people like the client wanted to, shows off coffee, and books. We wanted to drive home that warm cozy atmosphere. 

Get In Touch

For more of my skills download my resume listed below. If you want to stick around you can click the about me section and tour the entire website. 

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